Becker News
Becker Paw Prints Weekly
Principal's Message ¡Hola familia Becker! This is Ms. Serrano taking over Mr. Barrett's newsletter. He is away in El Paso at a job fair working hard! Have a great week everybody! ¡Becker por vida! Travis BarrettBecker Paw Prints - Fall Fest & Dia de los Muertos Festival
I hope you were all able to enjoy the beautiful weather this past weekend! Thank you to everyone who made it to Fall Fest, we had an amazing turnout! Thank you so much to our Fall Fest committee, volunteers, and PTA for making it all happen, you are amazing!! Our Book Character Parade and dress up day was a huge success! We really enjoyed seeing all the cute and creative costumes today! For those of you who will be celebrating Halloween, here's wishing you a safe and fun evening!Becker Paw Prints - Book Character Parade & Love Your Brain Week
It's hard to believe we are already approaching the end of October. This year has been a busy one, and it's just getting busier. We are looking forward to some of our favorite annual events; Book Character Parade, Fall Fest, and this week our SEL committee has planned Love Your Brain Week-full of fun dress up days. Thanks to our amazing PTA, our kiddos have been loading the buses and heading out on some great field trips.Calendar of Events
Becker Highlights
Herman Becker Elementary exists to create and engage all students in a joyful and inclusive bi-literate learning community. Herman Becker Elementary is recognized as an outstanding school where students develop a passion for learning.